First, lets talk about the new dent in my car. i know how much my readers like a visual, so
check this out:

Yep, the paint is gone and there is a real dent in the bottom. Now, the Protege is no stranger to dents - its the story behind this one that makes it fun. This humdinger was caused by a "skitish" boxer whose owner had thought it prudent to tie her fully grown 40 pound dog to a metal chair outside a coffee shop. I mean, I am known to make some bad judgement calls but this was ridiculous. Our youth staff was sitting outside and this lady left her dog near us while she ran in to get some water. No sooner had Lauren said "hey emily, there's a free dog" than the dog got spooked by a particularly loud car and bolted. Yes, bolted, dragging the chair behind her, right in between the Protege and Lauren's car. She ran into the street, into a parking lot - hitting cars and more cars in the process. We started to chase her but about that time a fireman emerged from nowhere (yes, a fireman - how good does this get?) and took over. The fireman and the owner of the dog finally caught her after she was slowed by her chair catching on a giant blue postal service mail drop. Chair - ruined, scratches in at least two cars, and a nasty gash in the dogs tongue. It was quite the scene.
Story number two. Chris got a dog!!!! And since I can't have one I shall have to live vicariously through him. We spent a good 2 hours at the humane society today picking this guy out: How cute is he?!

Ps - both pictures courtesy of my new iphone. yes, i love it.