i've always loved holiday traditions. trick or treating at halloween, calling our meal a feast at thanksgiving (because it always is - duh), the advent calendar before Christmas, opening stockings first, getting mad at mom for taking too many pictures Christmas morning, yeah - all of those. well i think if three years in a row doesn't make something a tradition then i, uh, then it, um, well it just DOES. so here is this set of october traditions:
making caramel apples with this guy (whose comments on my "mom skills" will have to be an entirely new post)

Creating a ridiculously original and time consuming jack-o-lantern (this was all husband man)
blowing everyone away with our artistic (haha-get it) halloween costumes. props to
kelley for the inspiration.

and impulse buying vintage cowboy boots. hey they were a deal. i think. hey becca, "they're my i don't need a job, i don't need my dad, cause i've got new boots, boots."

And there we have it. Hope everyone had a great October. Here's to November!!!