i have mixed feelings.
having someone SO excited to see me when i get home has been fun. having a cute little animal laying on the carpet has been pretty cool. plus, he's about the EASIEST dog you could ask for. no complaining there. here's the thing (and i might be admitting a bit of psychosis): i don't like having someone else to care for 24/7. we all know that i can barely look out for myself. i had it down enough that the good Lord saw fit to give me a husband. that has been fantastic - but he won't pee on the carpet if i leave him alone too long. and now it feels like there is one more being in the world that i have to worry about. i don't know if i like it. i mean, i just want him to be really happy, ok? then again, it's only been a little more than a day - so i'll get back to you on this. maybe it just takes some getting used to. he is really really cute. need another example? here ya go.
good thing we didn't go straight to having kids, huh?