Sunday, June 10, 2012


1. The Huenschhold is now a party of 3 (4 if you include the dog).
2. I am surrounded by boys (even the dog)
3. This blog is about to get all baby-ish (with a side of dog pictures)
4. I fully expect only my mom to read these things/ watch these videos.  The rest of you feel free to un-bookmark, unsubscribe, write this thing off. I will totally understand :)


Becca said...

omg. you posted! your blog is alive. IT'S ALIIIIIIIIIIIIVE....

Linda Zaepfel said...

So where are these promised pics and videos --- and ditto Becca's comment!!!!!

Janice said...

Mom (aka GRAN) is here! Looks like I'll have some company visiting your blog. So - make our day and give us some pics of the boy.

Dirks said...
