Thursday, August 14, 2008

ho hum= the sound my life makes

oh my gosh, i know, i know. i'm the worst blogger in the world.  I never post, when i do its only further proof of how boring life can be. . . but there IS hope. i just received a new camera battery via and now i can start taking pictures of my life. yes, i know , you are all very excited about this, AND we do have some exciting events to share coming up in the next week. so, uh, things are looking up.  As for right now, here's the rundown of the huensch life:
-taking it easy after a crazy summer
-but still doing youth ministry
-still living in birmingham
-still married
-watching lots of olympics

And honestly, i've been pretty content with the quiet way life has been rolling along. I needed a break. desperately. But that break is about to be over so i'm begging you, my loyal fans (all 4 of you) to stay tuned.

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