anyway, here's what i want to share with you all. earlier this week i had the most real dream ever and it put me in a weird mood all day. when the dream started i was chosen to be a project runway type show that was hosted by tyra banks. well i was just feeling wierd all day and my outfit wasn't going well and i was in the warehouse/workroom really late working on my outfit and all of a sudden noah bennett from heroes shows up (the man with the horn rimmed glasses. if you don't know who he is, i don't have time to explain it to you. you just need to go out right now and get the first and second season and devote the next 36 hours of your life to watching them). And so he holds a gun to my head and .. .
Noah Bennett (while hold gun to emily's head): I need you to come with me.
Emily Huensch (with unbelievable calmness): why?
NB: don't you know?
EH: i'm a hero aren't i?
NB: so you have discovered your power . . .
EH: (thinking slowly, a look of realization slowling growing on her face) i have power over all water.
insert quick flash back to several weird events of the past few days. water moving in cups, water splashing out of sinks, and most recently, unexplained water explosions in glasses of water on the set of the show
NB: yes. for your family's safety, come with me.
EH: you're kidnapping me?!
NB: its for your own good - and its the only way your family and your husband will be safe.
so i convinced him to let me go say goodbye to my family and justin. my family suspected nothing, justin and i somehow made a secret plan to meet up later. and the WHOLE time noah had a gun to my head and i was making water do whatever i wanted. oh, and noah told me that he was my real dad. then i woke up. ( and thought i might really have power over water)
how weird is that?
The episode last night what awe-some. It may be the best show ever put on television. Sure beats the crap out of that stupid Lost show. "Oh no, we're lost on an island, let's try to get off." It only took Tom Hanks 2 hours to get off the island in Cast Away. They can't get off this island in 4 seasons? Anyway that's a crazy dream and I am jealous. My dreams usually consist of me running after a cupcake down a hill and never quiiite being able to catch it. Or trying to help an old lady cross the street but insead she ends up getting hit by a bus. Thank goodness for reality.
i'm so glad you're back to my blog comment postings. it just feels so . . . right.
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