why i'm posting: i finally uploaded some pics
what is going on around here tonight: BONFIRE OF THE CENTURY! EN FUEGO!
These are the pics of when we carved pumpkins: This one is Justin's. His name is big eye man.

This one is monkey man. I carv
ed him. i was pretty proud of it.

Also this halloween i started to notice how some people take it too far. Example: a lawn so full of ghosts that you can't see the grass, a way too life like corpse hanging in the tree, and this house:

What you can't see in the picture below is the giant satan perching over the house with a strobe light going. All those things in the windows are light up ghosts and gouls. Plus there was a haunted pumpkin carriage and that witch thing by the mailbox. I mean, it was a lot.
remember that time you tried to carve the Friends logo into your pumpkin but instead ended up just carving a big square into it? ahahaahahahahahahaha... i laughed hard telling aaron about that this year :)
was it the friends logo? i don't remember. i just remember i ended up saying it was a tv. man, that was so dumb.
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