Wednesday, February 18, 2009

February 17th

To all of my faithful readers, i would like to ask you to give this poor, tired blogger some mercy.  i did not post yesterday, so i'm writing yesterday's post today and i will write today's post tonight. yesterday was just so busy. i was going going going from 7 am til 11 pm and there was simply no time.  that's not a complaint on the business of life, because it was in fact a wonderful day.  just an explanation, which i feel like i owe you. 
are any of you avid weather watchers? i am. i try to watch the news every morning just for the weather updates. now, the news is more of a morning ritual - something that brings comfort to the pain of waking up from peaceful slumber. when paired with hot coffee and staying under the covers for 5 extra minutes with said coffee and news, it's a perfect way to ease into the day.  anyway, i started watching the news in the morning in place of music videos because i realized that i LOVED being prepared for the day - even if only in the way i dressed.  for example - there are few things that will annoy me more than sloshing around all day in the rain with water soaked up my jeans to my calf. it makes everything colder.  well, if i know its going to rain, i can wear a skirt and boots, or skinny jeans that don't drag. it just makes me feel so smart. well yesterday i was reminded of something i've heard a million times: you can't always predict the weather. according to the news, it was going to be 68 degrees and sunny. according to the news, it would be a beautiful day before the storms came. according to the news, it was the perfect day to be outside. false. it was not the perfect day to do anything besides sit inside with the heat on. it was cold to the bone and the sky kept spitting out ice/rain. it was the worst day for planning lunch outside and hiking with a bunch of high school girls. but that's exactly what i did. 

and then we abandoned that plan. because there is nothing fun about walking around in the woods in freezing cold rain. thank goodness for my apartment and baby mama (woo WOO). thank goodness for a fridge full of cookie dough, and thank goodness for our heater that sounds like a constipated wild pig (go on, imagine that sound in your head. that's the sound our heater makes right now). it. was. glorious.

and that is why i don't complain about the business. because even though sometimes my days wear me out, they are fun. and i love what i do, and i feel so privileged to get to do it.  here's to youth ministry . . .

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