who would play you? it's one of my favorite questions to ask at dinner, road trips, awkward silences and during forced conversation. i don't know why i'm so fascinated with it (because seriously, like my life is movie worthy) but i am. so a couple nights ago i was at a movie - (500) days of summer - with the husband man and it clicked. Zooey Deschanel (who i love)

would play a great Kelley Kirker!

so with that revelation i just thought i would give you all a window into my twisted mind. and of course, give you the ok to dream up who would play you in a movie. Here's another good example. charlotte botsford. . . .

tina fey.

feel free to leave your thoughts on the comment page (or, i mean, who would play me. but whatever, things don't always have to be all about me.)
you totally just want to grind with Zooey Deschanel. admit it.
How about that girl from julie and julia...amy adams I think? I'm just going on looks...not sure if her personality and yours match up.
Good one carrie d. After Amy Adams was in enchanted I got a lot of "she totally reminds me of you!" so we'll go with that. Now for you miss carrie. . . I will have to think about this.
OH MY GOSH- I'm so so flattered. maybe i'll change my name to zooey and go around being fabulous. Who knows.
I think you could be played by kristin wiig. she would totally snot in front of a hot boy.
I get Katie Holmes...so don't strain yourself thinking of one for me. I get Katie and that is my lot.
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