well, here i am again - weeks and weeks after my last post. it's almost as if life doesn't sit around and wait for me to blog before going on and on. then, like with an old friend, it gets awkward that we (me and my readers) haven't visited in a while. so when one of us does call it just seems like too big of a time commitment to answer the phone and catch up. but. that's why me and many of my friends have this deal: when i call, i don't HAVE to hear about the last 4 unknown months of your life, just the funny story that happened today will suffice. and it's ok if our first conversation in tens of weeks is only 15 minutes long. so here is my 15 minutes.
it is full force summer, and by
orangette's inspiration, i would like to actually write down my summer list.
iced coffee from o'henrys.
days by the pool with chatty teenagers and the catagories game
the lake
youth trips
going to sleep to crickets and cicadas
heat lightening
smell of sunscreen
my grandmama's house
the beach
sweet tea
getting used to sweating
yes, these are the things that i expect from summer. so far, she's checked a lot off. there are probably more - so i'm giving myself permission to update the list as i see fit.
also - i'm considering making this my header: thoughts?

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