Sunday, May 10, 2009

and now this guy is governor?

i'll make this short, but i felt like i needed to blog about this. i'm watching Eraser, the Arnold Swarzenager (i'm giving up on spelling that) movie from 1996. i mean, he's such a hero. in the past 10 minutes alone he's jumped out of a plane, caught a parachute mid-air, put it on, avoided getting hit by the same plane by shooting out the windshield and just now he saved himself and vivica by letting loose some alligators on the bad guys. oh, and arnold isn't the only awesome thing about the movie. they've got photon laser guns that shoot through houses and allow the shooter to watch the milk you're drinking go down your esophagus. this is just ridiculous. and the best way to spend this stormy sunday.  

also - did anyone see justin timberlake on snl last night? i have such a huge crush on him. don't worry, justin's fine with it. 


Dirks said...

He won't be gov. for much longer...we could all be in a lot of danger.

Kristi said...

I would like to put some quotes from SNL here...but I'm afraid they're too innappropriate.