Despite calling Alabama home for almost 5 years(!!!!!) i have never been to the legendary Dreamland BBQ. Well, i had never been to dreamland. Yesterday we changed that. At the beginning of this year, i made husband man listen to me as i listed all of the things i wanted to do in 2009. The original dreamland in Tuscaloosa was one of them. All it took was G and Mrs. G coming down for a little memorial day visit for husband man to make it happen. Let me tell you. Worth. The. Wait. All they serve is ribs and white bread and bbq sauce (and maybe some slaw?) and that is perfectly ok. We devoured 2 slabs of ribs and then moseyed on back to the giant brick fire pit where they cook them. There were, like, 20 slabs of ribs just hanging out, waiting to be ordered. I now understand why dreamland is on everyone (and yes, i mean everyone - even the new york times) places you MUST eat. What they say is true, "there ain's nothin' like 'em nowhere."
*in the picture, i don't know that lady. she was awkwardly standing there and since it was raining i didn't feel like waiting for her to move. but that's g and mrs. g standing beneath the sign. for those of you not familiar, g is husband man's twin brother and mrs. g is, well, his wife. we like them a LOT and are thrilled that they're down here for a visit.
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